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Child Protection Office ‘will remain open’

THE Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) has responded to concerns about Hamilton and Portland Child Protection offices following the revelation of an internal document proposing changes to the Wimmera South West Area (WSWA) region services.

The plan, ‘Wimmera South West Area Management Proposal’, shows four vacancies among seven positions in Hamilton for child protection staff, with 10 of 20 unfilled in Portland and 20 of 31 vacant in Horsham.

In contrast just six of 27 Warrnambool positions are unfilled.

The DFFH said the proposed changes should not be construed to mean offices were shutting.

“Both the Hamilton and Portland Office will remain open, and we would like to reassure the local community there will be no changes to the services provided to them, or any reduction in staff at either site,” a DFFH spokesperson said.

“We thank our staff for the very important and rewarding work they do supporting children and families around the clock.”

“A second dedicated investigations team working across Hamilton, Portland and Warrnambool and servicing the surrounding areas will help meet growing demand for child protection services and reduce case load.

“This approach is in line with the state-wide child protection operating model, and removes the burden of conducting investigations on staff at Portland and Hamilton, meaning they can spend more time supporting children and families through case management work.

“We are not closing or relocating either office (Portland or Hamilton). Staff will continue to work from both offices as they do today.

“There will be no job losses or changes to staffing numbers at either office. There will be no job losses or any changes at Horsham.

“We have communicated these changes to staff, and they overwhelmingly support them.”

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