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Students mark East Liturgy


THE Last Supper is a significant event for Christians to remember. 

At our Easter Liturgy, the students re-enacted the Last Supper, which is the meal that Jesus shares with his disciples and the origin of the ceremony known as the Eucharist.

At the Last Supper, Jesus washes the feet of the disciples showing humility and love towards his followers; he then announces that one of his disciples will betray him.

Throughout Lent, our Mini Vinnies group has been fundraising for Caritas - the Catholic Church's international aid and development organisation.

Easter Bunny artworks

THE Grade 5/6 students have been learning to use watercolours in art over the past few weeks.

They produced some very cute Easter Bunnies that we made into cards for each of the residents at Edgarley and Glenelg House as an Easter gesture of goodwill.

We thought they might even make cool wall art; let us know if you are interested!

East egg maths

PREP/1/2 students have been busy counting Easter eggs in maths this week.

They had to count and record the number of eggs on the sheets taped on the back of each student.

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