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June Council meeting date change

DUE to a scheduling conflict, next month’s Southern Grampians Shire Council meeting has been moved back one week.

At the Statutory Meeting held on October 26, 2022, the Council set the dates for Council Meetings for the following year, with each meeting scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month.

However, a scheduling conflict has arisen due to the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) Conference in Canberra on June 13-15.

Several councillors and the chief executive will be attending, leading to the recommendation to reschedule the Council Meeting.

The ALGA Conference is a significant event for Local Government, focusing on best practices and lobbying.

Motions passed at the conference determine the direction for the association and the sector in the coming year.

Moreover, the mayor intends to have meetings with ministers and their staff in Canberra to advocate for the Southern Grampians Shire Council’s projects.

According to Council’s Governance Rules, the Council has the authority to change the date, time, and location of any meeting through a resolution, provided that notice of the change is given to the public.

In compliance with these rules, it was recommended that the June Council Meeting be rescheduled from Wednesday, June 14 to Wednesday, June 21 at 5.30 pm; the meeting will be held in the MJ Hynes Auditorium.

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