The Mayor’s Minute
LAST week, we released our Draft Budget for 2023/24 and there has been plenty of conversation already in the community about where Council plans to spend money in the new financial year.
Firstly, I’m pleased that people are talking about the new budget and asking questions of Council. The $86.5m budget is certainly ambitious, but we’ve put a lot of work and thought into it over a long period of time.
I’m very confident that we’ve prepared a budget that not only supports the delivery of more than 70 services in our Shire but addresses priority improvements for our road network and public infrastructure. The 2023-4 budget is the first year of our new 10-year long term financial plan (LTFP). It is the start of the delivery of a vision that will take this Shire into a new era.
We’ve made the careful decision to borrow $8m to keep us moving forward with some major capital projects. There are always some risks in a large capital spend, and whilst we are increasing debt to deliver these projects, we believe we have done the appropriate planning and demonstrating capacity to manage and repay this debt over the long term.
The spotlight at the moment is undoubtedly on three significant projects in the budget that are going to make an incredible difference to Hamilton’s economy and lifestyle. We’ll be funding the detailed design of a Government Hub, which will be a central location for a new library, digital hub, government offices and cinema. We’re also funding detailed design of a new gallery for Hamilton at the existing site. To bring it all together we have plans for a new streetscape for the Hamilton CBD that’s going to really improve connectivity, amenity and as we know, is well overdue.
It’s important that our community understands that the $5.15m set aside for the design of this trio of projects is not only an essential step in any building or construction project; but will also assist us to present an outstanding case for investors and funding bodies. We are advocating strongly to State and Federal Government bodies for these projects, as well as philanthropists for the new Hamilton Gallery, and having shovel ready projects is a vital step to being successful for funding. Importantly, this infrastructure, including the CBD Revitalisation project, new Hamilton Gallery and Government Hub, will be a lasting legacy for everyone, providing benefits to generations to come in our Shire.
The new budget also accommodates the completion of key projects including the Cox Street Redevelopment and the Melville Oval Redevelopment. We look forward to seeing both of those projects complete by the end of the 23/24 Financial year, with Melville Oval due to commence this July.
You will also have seen a full list of the road reseal, rehabilitations, resheets and footpaths that we intend to complete over the next 12 months. The $6.1 million road allocation includes $2.5m for reseals, $600k gravel re-sheets and $3m in road rehabilitation. There is $150,000 for footpaths and missing links, $225,000 in renewal and $225,000 for rail trail crossings (specifically for the Coleraine Rail Trail). $550,000 has been allocated for drainage trouble spots including King Street, Hamilton.
I encourage all residents in our Shire to review the 2023/24 Draft Budget and provide any comment via the Have Your Say function on Council’s website, or in writing to the Council offices.
We look forward to receiving your feedback before May 29 prior to the budget’s adoption at the June Council meeting.