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Year 10 work experience at Keppel Prince Engineering

THREE year 10 students from Bayview College spent their week at Keppel Prince Engineering, experiencing what it’s like to be in the workforce.

The students, Nick Peters, Jake Morton and Emre Rulton, chose to complete their work experience at Keppel Prince Engineering, taking part in a variety of electrical jobs and activities surrounding the business, experiencing what the workplace entails. The students have been partaking in numerous jobs around the worksite, getting a full industrial experience, and assisting the current employees.

“The kids have been doing a lot of simple things such as test and tag,” A Grade electrician Jackson Dunlop said.

“Within the first couple of days, we’re working on things called ‘superstructures’, which are big bits of machinery that are involved with the smelter”.

The students learn about the role Keppel Prince has surrounding the community, and the importance of the line of work.

“We mainly just give them a general experience of (the job),” lead electrician Matthew Steel said.

“Being in the electrical field and being work experience, they generally can’t touch too much of the electrical gear, but it’s all about giving them a taste of what it’s like”.

Work experience as a whole is a fantastic initiative for young secondary students to take part in. It assists the individual in building confidence in relation to having a job, and helps in the decision making stage of selecting a career in the post – school world.

“It’s been really good,” Jake Morton said.

“I’ve been helping around, sweeping and cleaning. “Housekeeping things.”

All three students have expressed an interest in the electrician field, and strongly believe that the experience is beneficial for their future.

“Being an electrician has always been an interest of mine and a career path I’ve thought about,” Nick Peters said.

“Definitely a career option I could pursue”.

“I’m interested in the industry, and it’s cool to see what’s around,” Emre Rulton stated.

Keppel Prince Engineering HR manager, David Johnson, believes in the importance of completing work experience at a young age, and the benefits Keppel Prince provides to young secondary students.

“From doing work experience with (Keppel Prince), hopefully it gives (the students) an opportunity to frame up what they may want to do,” Mr Johnson said.

“It’s a tough choice making a career decision, and you can’t make it all in one week.”

  • Toby Ralph wrote this story while on work experience with the Portland Observer last week

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