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HRH throws a Miss Heywood pageant

FOR Heywood Rural Health’s (HRH) annual production, staff put together a glamorous pageant.  

Every year the team orchestrates something theatrical and entertaining to amuse residents and families at the hospital. This year it was the Miss Heywood pageant.

Thirteen staff members dressed up as individual characters taking on contrasting personalities and features.

HRH activities coordinator Donna Carter was MC for the event and introduced each participant with their name and questionable, but interesting, background.

Each staff member strutted their stuff down a red carpet to the music that best suited them. Some interacted with the residents and blew them a kiss or gave their hand a squeeze.

The 13 characters were named Miss Dilly Parton, Miss Imprints, Miss California, Miss Frocken Fabulous, Miss Tinsel Turner, Miss Monroe, Miss Wanda the Witch, Miss Lights Out, Miss Turn the Page, Miss Glorious, Miss Queenie Camilla Da Ville, Miss Dame Edna and Miss Bonnie.

Residents really enjoyed it when the large group performing put on a show of the Nutbush City Limits dance.

At the end of the event, Miss Glorious was pronounced Miss Heywood by the four judges and was awarded a tiara, sash and flowers.

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