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A room with a view

WHILE most of the action at the Julia Street Creative Space takes place at ground level, look up a bit and there is now somewhere for community to gather.

An upstairs room adjacent to the artist residence has recently been substantially renovated.

Julia Street Creative Space convenor Robyn McDonald said the room, decorated as you’d expect something in the facility to be, was able to be hired out by the public.

“It’s a beautiful room for community groups to have meetings in,” she said.

To use the room, which features an old councillor table and chairs (the building is owned by Glenelg Shire Council, which did the renovations), book through Julia Street Creative Space.

Meanwhile the facility has also seen plenty of interest in recent artist workshops, with more planned.

A painting with pastel workshop held by Angela Gerrard (who was saying in the artist residence) was well attended at the weekend, and two mosaic workshops planned for Friday and Saturday have been booked out.

A ceramic hand-building workshop is also coming up.

Ms McDonald said anyone interested in any of the workshops should leave their contact details at Julia Street Creative Space to be added to a mailing list.

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