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Council responds to Soccer Club treasurer

IN response to an article on the front page of Wednesday’s Spectator about the state of the Soccer Club car park, the Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) said it plans to make a start on new car parking at Pedrina Park in Hamilton this financial year - weather and ground conditions permitting.

Council chief executive, Tony Doyle, said $700,000 had been allocated in the 2023/24 Council Budget to construct new car parking ($250,000) and improve the soccer field drainage ($450,000) as outlined in the 2019 Pedrina Park Masterplan.

“Council recently completed a detailed site-wide design for car parking at Pedrina Park and plans to carry out works this financial year, the exact timing of which is weather dependant,” he said.

Mr Doyle said the SGSC had already invested $3.45 million to deliver priority tasks in the Masterplan including: the installation and upgrade of the oval irrigation system; construction of a sports hub that includes changerooms, public amenities, first aid room, umpire facilities, and social space; a power upgrade; construction of new netball courts; and the installation of a replacement playground.

“These works, together with our $8.28 million investment at Melville Oval, will ensure or community enjoys the very best sporting facilities,” he said.

“We look forward to delivering this year’s works at Pedrina Park and further works from our Masterplan in future years.

“We understand that user groups at this important recreation reserve have differing needs and there are other priority projects that have been requested such as the new cricket nets and a second pavilion.

“Council will continue to work towards providing a facility that meets the needs of our community.”

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