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Rinse and repeat

A COUNTBACK to fill the Glenelg Shire councillor vacancy created by the resignation of Anita Rank will have to be held again, after the successful candidate declined the role.

Robyn McDonald, the highest-polling unsuccessful candidate at the 2020 election, was elected to the council following a countback conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission on Wednesday, but soon afterwards turned down the opportunity.

That means the VEC will have to hold another countback – possibly as early as today, when the 48-hour deadline for Ms McDonald to indicate her acceptance expires – to fill the vacancy.

“I confirm I will not be accepting the vacant role,” Ms McDonald said.

“When I put my hand up in the election three years ago I had just arrived back in town (Portland) and saw this as a way to make a contribution to a community I have spent most of my life in.

“Since missing out, I have turned my attention to making a difference in our art world, encouraging participation and improving facilities.

“There is still much to be done in this area, including creating connections throughout the shire.

“As such I am not in a position to dedicate the time that a representative council position requires.

“Apologies to all those voters who supported my initial campaign and expressed faith in my ability.

“I wish all the best to whoever decides to step into the role.”

Ms McDonald was referring in part to her highly successful stint as convenor of the Julia Street Creative Space and various arts initiatives that have been introduced to Portland and district since her return from Melbourne a few years ago.

These include the annual Arts April extravaganza, highlighted by the Sculpture TRAILS exhibition, and the general revitalisation of the Creative Space.

Wednesday’s vote took just a couple of minutes as the VEC computer went to work distributing Ms Rank’s preferences to see which unsuccessful candidate from the 2020 election would be next to reach the 1667-vote quota.

Alan Palmer was the first to be eliminated from the count, followed in order by David Wilson, George Kozarevski, Alistair McDonald, Malcolm Alexander, Geoff White and John Northcott.

VEC election manager Susan Thompson told those 22 people watching the countback via the internet that in the event Ms McDonald declined the role “a further countback will be held as soon as practicable”.

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