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Pawesome performance highlights kids’ focus

IT wasn’t just the farmers who had plenty to see and do, with Paw Patrol giving parents a reprieve and offering some alternate entertainment on Sunday.

There were two ticketed shows and a meet and greet, with both shows sold out, proving to be a winner on the day.

Hamilton Pastoral and Agricultural Society business and events manager, Emmelie Nijskens, said the kids’ entertainment was a success.

“It was really good, really popular and the kids really enjoyed it,” she said.

“Hopefully we can do something similar next year, probably not Paw Patrol next year, but some other decent kids’ entertainment.

“It brings a lot more families in, particularly with it over the Sunday and Monday.”

The shows were just part of a wide variety of activities targeted at kids, which has been a focus in the lead-up to this year’s Sheepvention event.

“It is such an agricultural-focused event, you bring dad along to look at the sheep and machinery, but our aim is to bring the whole family along; keep mum busy and keep the kids busy,” Ms Nijskens said.

“We have the petting zoo, the kids’ tractor licence, the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation are doing kids’ cooking classes, so there are lots of kids’ activities around to keep them busy.”

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