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Casual lifeguards required – the perfect summer job

TO safely operate its six outdoor pools this summer, Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) needs to recruit around 60 qualified casual lifeguards.

Applications for lifeguard roles are now open for the 2023/24 pool season and Council is looking across the board for potential candidates over 18 years of age; from seniors with substantial experience, to those who have recently completed their formal pool lifeguard training.

SGSC director wellbeing, planning and regulation, Rory Neeson said ‘Summer casuals’ would be required at the Hamilton, Balmoral, Coleraine, Dunkeld, Glenthompson and Penshurst outdoor pools between December and March.

“This is a great opportunity for anyone with a current pool lifeguard qualification to work in our region over the summer,” Mr Neeson said.

“You get to work flexible hours and can be rostered on at different pools for a more diverse experience. 

“Plus, if the pool is closed (outdoor pools are closed when it’s less than 23 degrees) we will still guarantee a shift focusing on important facility maintenance duties.”

Mr Neeson said a resident from Coleraine gained her qualifications in lifeguarding last summer to help at her local pool.

“We had a young, full-time working mum who worked with us on weekends and in the evenings to help keep the Coleraine pool open over summer,” he said.

“We were very grateful for her flexibility and assistance.”

Mr Neeson said successful applicants from outside the region, who might be thinking of moving to the Southern Grampians, were also encouraged to apply and consider spending the summer with family and friends here and doing some casual work while on their holidays.

“Being so close to the mountains and coastline - there is plenty to explore during your down time,” he said.

Applications for summer casual lifeguards close Friday, August 25, with interviews held the following week.

Applicants can apply based on the proviso they will complete the nationally recognised training by Life Saving Victoria (LSV) before taking the role once the pools open.

LSV will conduct a two-day Pool Lifeguard Course at Hamilton Indoor Leisure Aquatic Centre (HILAC) on October 14 and 15 from 10am to 5pm.

The LSV will also run a one-day Pool Lifeguard Update Course at HILAC on October 1 and October 29 from 10am to 5pm.

Successful job applicants will have the cost of their lifeguard course reimbursed once they start employment with the Southern Grampians Shire Council.

The training will equip candidates with the skills and knowledge required to supervise swimming pool users.

The course focus includes pool surveillance, scanning techniques, rescue skills, oxygen resuscitation and emergency care.

“One of my earliest jobs was actually as a lifeguard and duty manager at HILAC,” Mr Neeson said.

“Now I’m able to lead the fantastic team at Council that delivers recreational services across the shire.

“I really encourage people to get involved in their local community this summer.”

For more inquiries about the role, contact HILAC.

To book training go to

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