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GSGLLEN & Council’s Passport 2 Employment program

THE Passport 2 Employment program held its Graduation on Friday at HIRL, with 13 participants completing the 8-week program feeling empowered and confident in preparation for the future transition to employment or further education.

Coordinated by the Glenelg and Southern Grampians Local Learning and Employment Network (GSGLLEN) and funded by the Southern Grampians Shire Council, Passport 2 Employment is an innovative program that aims to help young people aged 15 or over to build practical skills and access opportunities for further education and training. The program enhances and increases the participants’ employability skills, and gives them valuable tools in their pathway to employment.

South West TAFE kindly provided a learning space for most of the sessions, and the group also visited HILAC for the session on nutrition, daily care habits and fitness. Other sessions included an Industry Tour around Hamilton visiting potential places of employment, as well as the Amazing Race where participants built on their knowledge of local supports that are available to them for their future.

Program coordinator, Marg Wagner, congratulated all of the graduating students.

“I have been extremely impressed with the Passport 2 Employment participants, they have worked hard to learn, grow, develop and build new skills that will be of value in every facet of their lives,” she said.

“Of utmost value is the participants’ opportunities to build networks and connections with those who can support them as they navigate the transition pathway. The Graduation is an opportunity to reflect on, and celebrate, the students’ achievements.”

Passport 2 Employment has been conducted in the Hamilton region since 2015.

“We are grateful for the funding support received from the Shire as well as the in-kind support from our partner organisations,” Ms Wagner said.

“We have engaged with many organisations and individuals in our local community in order to give the participants the best experience possible. We can’t do this without this great support.”

Executive officer of the GSGLLEN, Anne Murphy, highlighted, “the Passport 2 Employment program is a perfect example of how our communities can work together to achieve the best outcomes for our young people. Through the support of our community partners, the P2E students are opened to a world of possibility facing them as they transition from school into further education and work. It also connects them with their peers and local industry as well as the social, support and educational opportunities at their doorstep. The program makes a significant impact on the lives and opportunities for participating students and has been of significant importance in what has been a challenging year.”

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