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See you in the Penshurst Courthouse!

LOCAL history at Penshurst is sure to come alive today with Mount Rouse & District Historical Society’s Open Day at the Courthouse.

As part of October History Month 2023, those who come along will be treated to a local photo history and could perhaps make some of their own by sitting in the judge’s chair, taking the witness stand, or even going to jail.

One of the star exhibits is a beautiful iron pram and dressed doll, complete with rattle.

Her dress has been described as “exquisite”, but her hat “is to die for”; both pram and doll were donated to the Historical Society by Jean Flynn; people are also welcome to bring their dolls for conversation.

Visitors can also take the opportunity to walk down Bell Street to see and read the new historical markers, and also see the Heritage Cookbook and utensils display opposite Penshurst Hotel.

The Historical Society are hoping to increase their public presence and draw the community into their activities and welcome any photos and/or items of local history that could be shared.

The Courthouse will be open between 10am and 2.30pm today, Saturday, October 14, and more information can also be found on the ‘Mount Rouse & District Historical Society Inc’ Facebook page.

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