A HAMILTON man has been found guilty of causing serious injury to Brendan Nancarrow at the Hamilton Caravan Park after an incident on April 24, 2021 (Anzac Day Eve).
Wayne Dennert, 58, was on trial after he pleaded not guilty in the Warrnambool County Court to intentionally causing serious injury and recklessly causing serious injury.
After almost two days of deliberating, on Friday the jury found Dennert guilty and he faces a maximum penalty of up to 20 years behind bars.
Mr Nancarrow, 42, ended up in hospital for months with bleeding to the brain and several broken bones after Dennert hit him with an iron bar multiple times - Dennert claimed Nancarrow, also from Hamilton, was attempting to break into his caravan and the attack was in self-defence.
A witness described the moment he saw Dennert repeatedly beating him with a metal pole as one of the most brutal things he had ever seen.
Two weeks prior to this attack the Hamilton Caravan Park manager was also allegedly attacked by two drunk people.
Dennert will return to court for a plea hearing early in December 2023.