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GSGLLEN Young Leaders graduation

THAT’S a wrap! Ten outstanding Young Leaders from the Glenelg & Southern Grampians Local Learning & Employment Network (GSGLLEN) graduated on Tuesday, October 24 at a ceremony at the Hamilton Golf Club in front of 60 parents, mentors, sponsors and school staff. Participants showcased their new-found public speaking skills and shared their reflections of the experiences of the 2023 Young Leaders program.

Year 10 and 11 students from Monivae College, Good Shepherd College, Baimbridge College and The Hamilton and Alexandra College participated in Young Leaders this year. The program consisted of eight program days and sessions including a MasterChef Challenge, Business Industry Tour, Tour of Australian Blue gum Plantations (ABP) and A day on Country, to name a few. The sessions are designed to support the participants to increase confidence, build transferable skills, knowledge and leadership capabilities, and introduces students to different career opportunities within the region.

Program coordinator, Janelle Tooley, congratulated the graduates - “I have felt privileged to work with this inspiring group of young people and watch them flourish from worthy participants to Young Leaders of our Community”.

A highlight of the program is the pairing of students with a local industry representative in their chosen career of choice. Throughout their two mentor days students are able to test their career aspirations, participate in hands-on work experience and hear first-hand from industry experts about their chosen career. Mentors have an extremely influential role in guiding participating students, which in many cases lasts much longer than the completion of the program. The building of these mentoring relationships not only benefits the students but has positive outcomes for mentors and the broader community by supporting a future workforce and building the social capital of our community.

Mentors for 2023 included Glenn Howell, Noel Kennedy (Melville, Orton & Lewis), Lauren Davies (Aquila Physiotherapy), Melanie Roll (Gen Health), Emily Anderson (SGSC), Dan Tehan MP, Will Barber (South West Sports Academy), Nat Templeton (Combined Preschools Southern Grampians) and Bronte Gorringe (Strive Ag).

The program is wholly supported by local partners and the sustainability of the program is dependent on this valued support from local sponsors and partners; SWTAFE, ABP, Wannon Water, William & Lindsay Brodie Foundation, Community Bank Coleraine & Districts, Community Bank Dunkeld & Districts and Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation and GSGLLEN.

“In order to maintain an equitable and positive economic future for the region, we need to bridge the gap between school and work,” GSGLLEN executive officer, Anne Murphy said.

“Programs such as Young Leaders provide a perfect avenue to support our local students in their understanding of local employment opportunities and to assist their transition to work. We encourage any local industry and community providers to assist in this very worthwhile program.”

If you or your organisation is interested in supporting the Young Leaders program through sponsorship, mentoring or hosting industry tours please contact Janelle Tooley at for further information.

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