KEVIN Buck (left) has been appointed to the position of Hamilton Lions president. He is pictured here presenting a Coles Gift Card to raffle winner, Wendy Collins. Photo: SUPPLIED.
He acknowledged the huge amount of work and effort that all members and their families put in each year and thanked those members that have taken on the various positions of responsibility for the new year.
Two goals for the upcoming year are to work together to continue to serve the community and encourage new members to join the club.
Over the past year or so the Lions have been very active working in the community, donating $30,000 to the Hamilton Hospital MRI for U&I Appeal, and coordinating the Hamilton Scouts Equipment Storage Appeal including an $8000 donation to ensure the completion of the project.
The Hamilton Lions undertake a range of projects including the sale of Lions Cakes and puddings, mints, run sausage sizzles and provide catering to raise funds for the community.
This includes a recent raffle to raise funds for the Lions Cordblood Foundation which helps improve the quality of samples of stem cells derived from the cord blood, which in turn is used to treat other diseases affecting people of all ages in relation to the heart, liver, nerves, muscle, lung and pancreas.
Raising money and sausage sizzles is not all they do, such as recently helping out at the Police Remembrance Service in Hamilton, assisting with the L2P Driver Program, Meals on Wheels and providing drivers for Hospital Patient transport.
They also provide skilled volunteers for the Lions skin cancer mobile van.
This year the Club’s Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal raised a record $60,000 and a major upcoming project is a golf tournament on Sunday, February 4, 2024 to boost funds for next year.
The Lions Club of Hamilton welcome new volunteers to help with projects and enjoy the social side of their work, which can be a lot of fun.