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Fire restrictions to begin

THE Fire Danger Period for the Southern Grampians Shire has been announced this week, coming into force at 1am on Monday, November 20.

The Fire Danger Period is when Country Fire Authority (CFA) restricts the use of fire in the community to help prevent fires from starting.

The CFA declares the Fire Danger Period for each municipality (shire or council) at different times in the lead up to the fire season depending on the amount of rain, grassland curing rate and other local conditions.

The Fire Danger Period may be declared as early as October in some municipalities, and typically remains in place until the fire danger lessens, which could be as late as May.

Once the Fire Danger Period has been declared, fire restrictions come into force.

This means you cannot light a fire in the open air unless you have a permit or comply with certain requirements.

If you don’t obtain a permit, you could be breaking the law and may be prosecuted.

Total Fire Bans are different to the Fire Danger Period as they can be declared at any time throughout the year.

CFA District 5 commander, Rainer Kiessling, said summer conditions had arrived and the restrictions helped keep communities safe.

“We’re seeing, obviously, hotter and drier conditions right across the northern end of the district – much earlier this year,” he said.

In some cases it will be possible for people to obtain a permit to burn off, and the application process is now streamlined with an electronic permit system.

Aerial support for firefighting is also due to start operating locally soon.

“On a local note, aircraft will be starting on the 29th at the Hamilton airbase,” Cmdr Kiessling said.

More information about dates and districts can be found at and applications for permits can be made at

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