LINDA and Ross Sanders have organised a ride for Reverend Peter Cook OAM called ‘Cookie’s Charity Run’ which aims to raise as much money as possible to allow Rev Cook to continue his tireless work in the community.
Ms Sanders said the event will be leaving Hamilton at 10.30am on Saturday, November 18 from the carpark opposite McDonald’s – the participants will travel to Heywood where they will stop for lunch and then return back to Hamilton mid-afternoon for a traditional street cruise.
“Years ago, prior to COVID some enthusiast used to organise a charity ride for Peter to collect gifts but then COVID hit so it stopped being organised,” she said.
“My husband Ross and I were talking to other interested people who said it would be good if we could get a charity ride up and running again, so we approached our motorcycle club, The Easyriders SMC Portland Chapter, to see if we could run an event with their support to which they agreed.
“We are also part of an informal motorcycle riding group in Hamilton, the Hamilton Riders 3300 group, who have also been supportive of the event.
“We decided to run it as a combined motorcycle and car charity run – anyone with a motorcycle or car (classic, vintage, hot rod or other) are welcome to attend – all the money collected from the car and bike registrations, donations, pen sales and raffle will be counted on the night and presented to Peter Cook.
“We would like as many cars and bikes to participate on the day and encourage the community and wider region to get behind this event to support Peter.
“When you mention Peter Cook around this region there are so many people that have been helped by this man’s generosity.”