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The Wizards of Dramus

THE hottest tickets in town are for the upcoming double acts by Dramus Theatre Inc, with performances by both juniors’ and seniors’ comedic pantomimes of the ‘Wizard of Oz’.

The juniors will be performing ‘Christmas in Oz’ at 6.30pm on November 24 and December 2 at the Hadden Theatre.

The seniors will be doing five performances called the ‘Wicked Witches of Oz’ at 8pm on November 24-25, and December 1-2 with a matinee on November 26, at 2pm.

Committee member, Isabella Gulline, said this is the first year both juniors and seniors are doing a big pantomime performance.

“The juniors have around 13 in the cast aged between eight and 14,” she said.

“Their play is about Dorothy experiencing personal hardship and going back to Oz where they celebrate Christmas and rediscover and share in the joy of Christmas.”

The senior Dramus Theatre Inc group play is a fun exploration of Dorothy’s first journey through ‘Oz’ which celebrates being yourself and gaining insight into society’s expectations.

“They’re both pantomime comedies incorporating a lot of humour.

“This is a really exciting collaboration, and we are really looking forward to entertaining the community with these performances.

“It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

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