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Victoria’s State Budget “reckless”

THE recent budget update gave Victorians a disturbing insight into how much our finances have deteriorated under Jacinta Allan and Labor.

From our ballooning $178 billion of state debt to the staggering $10 billion cost blowout for the North East Link freeway in Melbourne, Labor’s 2023-24 Budget Update was all bad news for Victorian households already experiencing a cost of living crisis.

Then there was the reckless decision to sign the first contracts for the Suburban Rail Loop, a project that is likely to cost a whopping $200 billion, making it the most expensive project in Victoria’s history.

However, the biggest tragedy of Labor’s financial mismanagement is its impact on all Victorians, especially those of us living here in regional Victoria.

Particularly after the pandemic, many young families wish to realise the Australian dream here in South West Coast.

They want, and deserve, to enjoy the quality of life we cherish.

Instead, they are left living under Labor’s neglect.

In many ways, Victorians living in our regional towns and cities, like Portland, Koroit, Terang, and Warrnambool, are the forgotten people.

Regional Victorians make up approximately one quarter of Victoria’s population, yet we received just thirteen percent of infrastructure funding in last year’s budget and eleven percent the year prior.

All the while, Labor gleefully collects our stamp duty and taxes to spend in the city.

Often in the form of reckless government waste, like the $600 million cancellation of the Commonwealth Games and $35 billion on cost overruns for major projects in Melbourne.

Take our roads, Victoria’s road toll is the highest in 15 years, with more than half of all lives lost occurring in rural Victoria.

Yet Labor has the arrogance to claim our roads don’t need fixing in the first place! Regional Victoria’s roads are living proof that Labor has run out of money.

The 37 per cent cut to the regional road maintenance in this year’s budget is proof that whilst regional Victorians pay more than our fair share, we are getting far less back.

By the next election in November 2026, Victoria will be up for an estimated $8.8 billion yearly interest bill.

That equates to almost $2000 yearly per Victorian voter spent by Labor on interest repayments alone.

A shocking number and one which Labor’s track record indicates will only increase as more cost blowouts and bungled projects occur.

Victorians deserve responsible management of money by their state government, and regional Victorians deserve value for money from their taxes and fees.

Whilst the election may be still three years away, regional Victorians need to stand up now and tell Labor enough is enough, because we cannot afford to wait any longer.


State Member for South West Coast

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