STUDENTS from primary and secondary schools across Hamilton and surrounding towns have returned to the classroom this week for the start of the 2024 school year.
Foundation/Prep students have commenced their school journey whilst Grade 6 students have begun their final year of primary school before they transition into secondary school next year.
Year 7 students have taken the big step up after being in primary school last year, and Year 12 students have the biggest year of their schooling life as they will decide whether to go to university or into work at the end of this year.
Tarrington Lutheran School have two families of three this year with the same spread of levels: foundation, Grade 3 and Grade 6: Huw, Ben and Georgia Brown, and also Elias, Joshua and Finnigan Milne.
Mother, Gesine Milne, said it definitely makes it a lot easier having three kids at the same school.
“We have been very happy with the school – it has been a very nice and calm environment and the classrooms are nice and quiet and we already know all the teachers and know what to expect with Elias, and the communication has always been exceptional,” she said.
“Elias has been very excited to start Foundation – we have been overseas for two months in Germany and he has had two months of kindergarten there and he is the last one in the family to go to school.
“He is already well customised to the school and the environment – he already knew his buddy beforehand through his brother Finnigan.
“They are excited to be all together, yet it will only be for one year as Finnigan is moving to secondary school but is excited for the new Foundation students to start.
“We were given material for Elias to practice during the holidays and we have already had a parent information night as well as a parent and student barbeque.”
With schools back and some people still returning from holidays, authorities have issued a safety plea to Victorians to take every precaution necessary on the state’s roads.
Transport Accident Commission chief executive, Tracey Slatter urged road users to look out for each other, slow down and make safe choices to ensure every journey is a safe one.
Drivers were also being reminded that with schools across the state returning this week, 40km/h school zones were back in effect.