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THE Cox Street Redevelopment Project has been delayed again with the forecast completion date pushed out to late March.

The project has been plagued by delays, technical glitches, and design revisions with the lengthy closure of Cox Street causing consternation to road users and local businesses.

In a post on social media on Thursday, Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) said that despite the road and service upgrade, and works between French Street and Gray Street progressing, “hidden conditions have been encountered, which have delayed the contracted works”.

MACA Civil Pty Ltd is completing the filling of soft spots, and next week the stabilised pavement is expected to be laid followed by kerbing works.

MACA Civil was awarded tender for the $3.2 million project in July 2021 for improvements to the road, kerb, footpath, lighting, and underground drainage.

Works came to a complete standstill in August 2023 when MACA Civil walked out on the job, however resumed in recent months.

Two Cox Street businesses who asked not to be named, reported that the extended closure was having a “tremendous impact” on their business.

“We’re at least 50 per cent down on sales,” one said.

Another said their business had been especially quiet.

Pedestrian access to businesses in Cox Street continues, with vehicle parking available on French Street and Gray Street.

Permewans Mitre 10 can be entered and exited via its French Street driveway.

SGSC were contacted for further comment however did not respond by deadline.

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