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Wallaby deaths investigated

MOYNE Shire Council has launched an investigation into the death and apparent illnesses of wallabies on Port Fairy’s Griffiths Island.

On Tuesday Wildlife Victoria and staff from Agriculture Victoria attended the island.

Several wallabies were assessed on the island and three were unfortunately euthanised because of their poor condition.

Council is also liaising with the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation.

Moyne Shire Council environment, economy and place director, Jodie McNamara said the euthanised wallabies have been taken to Melbourne University for assessment.

“It will take a couple of weeks to determine what caused them to be in such poor condition,” she said.

 “It’s far too early to speculate about any cause at this point.

“Council’s environment and biodiversity team have this as a priority. We continue to work closely with our partners to determine what is causing the wallabies to be unwell and how it may be mitigated.”

The island remains open to the public but may be closed periodically to allow for further assessments.

Closures will be notified via Moyne Council’s social media.

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