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Avoid wildlife on the roads

WILDLIFE Victoria (WV) has issued safety advice for drivers who may encounter animals on the roads as they head away for the Labour Day long weekend.

WV data revealed 10,643 native animals were reported to be hit by a vehicle on the state’s roads during the 2022-2023 financial year, an increase of 15 per cent from the previous year.

The total number of wildlife hit by vehicles is also likely to be much higher, as many incidents are not registered with WV.

WV said this wasn’t just a problem for regional or rural drivers, with incidents happening across the state including in metropolitan suburbs, with urbanisation pushing wildlife into more highly populated areas, resulting in more interactions with people and roads.

Insurance claims data from the RACV reveals just how prevalent the problem is, with over six thousand RACV collision claims involving native animals last year in Victoria.

RACV Head of Policy James Williams says it is important to know what to do should you come across wildlife while driving.

‘‘The safest option is to plan your trip to avoid driving at dawn and dusk, when wildlife is often most active,” Mr Williams said.

Of the 10,643 reported incidents, eastern grey kangaroos represented 65 per cent of animals struck.

However, the casualties included a wide range of Australian species such as wombats, possums, koalas, echidnas and even birds like cockatoos and magpies.

To avoid hitting wildlife keep your eyes peeled and drive at a safe speed.

 If you do spot an animal on the road, slow down and prepare to brake safely and avoid swerving.

Avoid driving at dusk and dawn when many native species are most active, but if you do have to drive at this time, ensure you actively look ahead, reduce speed and use high beams in poor visibility (ensuring you dim them if a car is approaching. 

If you do hit wildlife, safely park your vehicle off the road, turn on your hazards and check that you and your passengers are unharmed before checking on the animal.

If anyone is injured, call 000.

To report the incident call WV on 03 8400 7300 - their Emergency Response Service will provide free advice and assistance, 24/7.

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