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Parking meters parked

MORE than 50 Hamilton business representatives attended a ‘Call to Action’ emergency meeting on Wednesday night regarding the “impact on trade” following the recent activation of parking meters in the CBD.

The items on the meeting’s agenda included, removing the meters, employing a parking warden to enforce the one hour without paid parking, offering one-hour free parking and changing the parking time to two hours, and installing more bins.

The Spectator spoke to seven businesses that had a representative attend the meeting and found that perspectives varied.

Some business owners reported there was a positive atmosphere of unity, however, others said it was a “very heated” meeting, while another said they were “furious” about the parking meters.

All requested not to be named in the media.

One business owner said there was a survey asking those present to raise their hand if they had been consulted by the Southern Grampians Shire Council about the parking meters - allegedly no one raised their hand.

The Spectator was advised by a spokesperson a statement was being prepared and was expected to be completed next week.

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