SOUTHERN Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) were a step closer towards commencing important CBD redevelopment works with the awarding of a contract for the detailed design of the Hamilton CBD Revitalisation Project.
During the recent council meeting, councillors debated for well over half an hour the merits of the agenda item, with concerns about the community perception of stalled completion of current projects informing much of discussions.
The successful tenderer was Group GSA (GGSA) for the amount of $560,764 (ex GST).
Council began a procurement process in August 2023 to develop rational and relevant designs and materials for the Hamilton Central Business District streetscape, open space, and canopy.
The Hamilton CBD Revitalisation Project will focus on the CBD streetscape between Kennedy and Cox, and French and Lonsdale Streets.
Assets to be considered through the redevelopment include cycle paths, footpaths, trees and landscaping, street furniture, lighting, signage, drinking fountains, bicycle storage, and recharging points, among others.
The project was identified as part of the Hamilton Structure Plan, the Hamilton CBD Masterplan, both of which included extensive community consultation, and aligns with the New Hamilton Gallery project and the Government Hub Build Masterplan.
Council received six submissions throughout the tender process, with four invited to discuss their respective proposals, nominated project team capacity and capability, budget, methodology and timelines with the evaluation panel.
SGSC mayor, Cr David Robertson said that Council was thrilled to be able to progress work on this exciting project.
“GGSA demonstrated their understanding of the project brief and scope, strong interest in the project and experience in similar projects, making them the perfect choice for this project,” he said.
“This project presents a myriad of opportunities for residents and visitors alike and promises to really transform the Hamilton CBD.
“Our vision is for the CBD to become a community hub, highlighted with a civic square, public art, signage and greenspaces, with easy walking and cycling.
“It’s about strengthening the role of the town centre as the place where the community comes together - making the Hamilton CBD the heart of the community for special events, social activities, and everyday life.
“We look forward to working with GGSA and watching this exciting vision take shape.”