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Church goes above and beyond

RESTORATION works have been completed on the interior ceiling of the nave in Hamilton’s Anglican Christ Church recently.

The works were necessary as two of the panels made of caneite collapsed last year meaning the congregation wasn’t able to worship in the sanctuary. This is in the section from the altar steps to the back of the church that was built in 1956, nearly 70 years ago.

The parishioners rallied and fundraised to supply 76 panels and then painted each of them.

Scaffolding was then installed to replace the panels, although when the workers ascended, they found other complexities such as broken tiles and birds nesting.

A ‘spring clean’ of the carpet was also undertaken recently and a general clean of brass and woodwork, with everything gleaming and fresh in time for worship on Holy (Easter) Saturday.

“The parishioners worked very hard to get it all done in time,” Father David Oulton said.

“It really was terrific.”

He said parishioners have been continuing to fundraise to have the slate on the exterior of the roof replaced, which will be the one of the next projects, once works on the spire are complete.

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