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Community groups celebrate winning grants

SOUTHERN Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) have awarded the round two of the 2023/24 community grants to 22 general candidates, the grants (ranging from $552.72 to $15,000) were approved at a council meeting on Wednesday.

The grants have been awarded to include Community Strengthening, Arts and Culture, Tourism and Events, Community Infrastructure and Heritage.

SGSC councillor, Helen Henry, said the grants were a wonderful indicator of what partnership can achieve considering when the SGSC have invested a little over a million dollars, they have received three million back.

“This is a great example of what we can do when we work together,” she said.

Mrs Henry also went on to note that the grants (including many smaller grants under $2500) have been far reaching and have ranged from projects in Dunkeld, Hamilton, the Grampians, Cavendish, Mooralla, Glenthompson and Penshurst.

Sterling Place, Dunkeld Community Centre (SPDCC), an independent not-for-profit community facility and event space for hire, submitted their ‘Get out of Gas’ project which aimed to replace their commercial gas oven with an energy efficient induction cooktop and electric oven.

They have been awarded a $3742.18 grant which will help their overall energy cost.

SPDCC manager, Annette Jones said, “The grant application process was straightforward to navigate, and we are thrilled that our application has been successful.

“Our new induction cooktop and oven will reduce usage costs, reduce emissions and improve the kitchen’s air quality.”

Also presented with a community grant was the Hamilton Miniature Railway Group (HMRG) Inc, who put forward a grant application to upgrade their communication system.

The HMRG has around 26 members who donate voluntary hours and in-kind support.

Good communication between the volunteers has been essential for the smooth loading of passengers and running of the trains.

HMRG treasurer and secretary, Wayne Brooks, said the $1150.60 grant will allow the HMRG to update their two-way radios that have been used for communication between the signal bay and trains.

Mr Brooks added that the HMRG wish to thank the SGSC for the opportunity the Community Partnership Grant has brought.

*Sport grant recipients in Wednesday’s Spec*

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