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Container deposit scheme doubles

DUE to the enthusiastic participation by the local community in the container deposit scheme (CDS) located at the Hamilton Bowls Club, the ‘reverse vending machine’ has been upgraded to double the capacity and allow for up to four users to return their containers at once.

The first CDS machine was installed in October last year, with the official launch at the start of November, that allowed for two users at a time to collect and cash-in on eligible bottles, cartons and cans, for 10 cents per item.

The upgrade started on Wednesday morning and by the afternoon there was an additional two-slot unit installed onto the current unit, with the site set to reopen at its double user capacity next Tuesday.

CDS operating company, TOMRA, said that the upgrade was necessary to keep up with the increased demand of container drop-offs in the region.

“Over 1.68 million containers have been returned to the Hamilton Bowls Club reverse vending machine since the scheme commenced, meaning more than $168,000 has been returned to the residents and community groups of Hamilton in just five months,” a TOMRA spokesperson said.

TOMRA also said that Southern Grampians residents as a whole have returned over 1.8 million eligible drink containers across two refund collection points since November, generating $180,000 back into the local community.

Hamilton Bowls Club member, Russell Sherren, said that the CDS, located in the bowls carpark, had been extremely busy since its opening.

“We have seen lots of people here, it’s been very busy, which is why we got a bigger unit,” he said.

“We were contacted probably a month ago by TOMRA about the upgrade, they looked at the figures and told us we were going to need another one.

“They said it might be a bit of a task because it was the first time they had done something like this, but the construction crew seem to be on track to finish sooner than expected.”

Mr Sherren also said that while the club took a bit of convincing at first, there has been a majority positive response from members to having the CDS in the carpark.

“Not everyone was on board initially,” he said.

“So, I put on a presentation to the club about why having the machines here could be a really good thing.

“Some people were worried about losing parking space… it initially took up three (car) spaces, but it was redesigned and we only ended up losing one.

“It is definitely a good thing for the community, especially with rubbish… I used to see plastic bottles everywhere but I hardly see any bottles lying around town now.”

Not only has the CDS been successful for the community, but also for the Hamilton Bowls Club who have generated funds not only from club members collecting and recycling items but also in rent for the space. 

“We have collected around $3500 so far for the club - that’s only since November – and the money we have made from it has been really helpful,” Mr Sherren said.

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