AFTER two and a half years of working towards increasing the safety of their residents, the Penshurst Emergency Management Committee are holding a public event to share the journey so far.
The committee - made up of a broad representation of community leaders - came together to address community concerns with the location of the Bushfire Place of Last Resort.
They would like to provide an update on the matter and the plans for utilising the local hall as an additional communal emergency shelter option for the township.
The committee have developed a DRAFT town emergency guide that aims to provide a community level blueprint for residents and visitors in the event of an emergency.
This guide has had input from CFA, VicPol and the WDHS Penshurst campus and is cited within the Municipal Emergency Plan.
The committee said they were proud of creating this guide given they are one of the first townships in the Shire to do so; this document will be on display for further community input.
The Penshurst community are invited to drop in between 5.30-7.30pm on Tuesday, April 23 at the Memorial Hall for a chat and a free sausage sizzle/cup of soup.
For further information regarding the event contact Jo Vigliaturo (Community Based Bushfire Management Facilitator) on 0408 544 670.