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Future Leaders 2024 has launched

THE Future Leaders program for 2024 officially launched on Tuesday with 12 participants from four schools in the region.

Year 10 and 11 students from Portland Secondary College (PSC), PSC Re-Engagement Program, Bayview College and Heywood and District Secondary College have joined the program this year.

Glenelg and Southern Grampians Local Learning and Employment Network (GSGLLEN) program coordinator Tiana Richardson said students needed to supply a resume and cover letter before being interviewed for the program.

“It provides a very real-life experience of an employment interview,” she said.

“The focus is on building their skills around leadership, teamwork and their knowledge of local career options, for example, they will go out on an industry tour where they get to learn more about the local businesses and what jobs they have on offer there.

“A really cool part of the program is that each individual student, we match them with a local industry mentor. So, we have different mentors from different areas.”

GSGLLEN together with major sponsors Portland Aluminium and Glenelg Shire Council hosted the launch at the PSC trade training centre.

The launch provided students an opportunity to meet with their local business mentors, major sponsors and Future Leaders coordination team consisting of Ms Richardson and Portland Aluminium Anna Impey.

Also in attendance was Portland Aluminium manager Britt Butler, who spoke on the importance of investing in young people while outlining the continued support Portland Aluminium has provided to Future Leaders for 19 years.

“She spoke about how they've had numerous people who have gone through Future Leaders and have then gone on to be employed by Portland aluminium,” Ms Richardson said.

“Portland Aluminium founded the program 19 years ago, and then GSGLLEN took over coordination about 13 years ago.”

The Future Leaders Program is fully funded by local businesses, Port of Portland, Wannon Water, Dhauwurd Wurrung Elderly and Community Health Service Inc, Are Able Portland, Portland District Health, Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation, South West TAFE, Keppel Prince and Victoria Police.

Students of the 2024 program are Teddy Riddell, Siena Riley, Ava Stephens, Felix Hollander, Angus Barclay, Kagano Gaosiwe, Xavier Board, Hailey Pitts, Nate Stephens, Rhett Molloy, Brianna Dark and Shayna Milner Hazell.

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