RECENTLY, the Hamilton and District Veteran Vintage Classic Drivers Club (HDVVCDC) held their annual family fun day at their club room and grounds at Hillier Lane.
It was also a day of celebration as the HDVVCDC had members reaching a 50-year milestone and another whose car has turned the magic one hundred years.
The day began quietly while last minute preparations were underway, so those without a job were able to enjoy the improvement in the weather over a cup of tea and large selection of morning tea brought along by all to share.
Lunchtime saw more members and cars arriving and the excitement mounted as they waited for the events to begin.
These events included trying to guess from a distance how close to place two poles apart with the smallest gap to drive their car between them.
These trials proved to be taken quite seriously, but in a very funny way.
It was not a winner take all, but there certainly was some competitive spirit, especially in the last event.
The second task was to drive along a piece of rope without their tyre going off the rope – quite a skill that one.
Next, doing one complete turn of their wheel – only two competitors were successful, then, backing their car up seven metres.
The last event brought out the competitor in the participants.
There were six posts with a 15-centimetre ring hanging on each.
The driver had to keep the vehicle moving while the passenger removed the ring with a pole and then while the car was in still motion depositing the rings in a box at the end of the run.
The tasks proved to be quite challenging for some, while others breezed through, but there wasn’t an overall ‘winner’.
No driver was able to get the best score on more than one event.
Some were hesitant to have a go at first, but after watching others, they began to participate and had as much fun as everyone else.
The club’s Austin was brought out of the garage after several members had been working to get the motor purring.
It was given a run or two around the grounds and a couple of members got behind the wheel to have a go.
Afternoon tea was enjoyed, but that was not the full day; during lunch, presentations were made to Mary and Ivan Willsher for being continuing club members for 50 years and to Don McArthur (unable to attend).
The club’s big highlight of the day was a celebration of Betty and Graeme Ralph’s Dodge car’s 100th birthday.
The car has had only three owners in its lifetime and the second owners came for the celebrations.
There was also a display of several other Dodges owned by members of the club to help make the occasion a memorable one.
A decorated cake with a photo of the Dodge on top was shared by all after the cutting of the cake.
Graeme gave a short but interesting history of the vehicle, with a slide show sharing its many exploits, along with other memorabilia on display.