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National Walk Safely to School Day

THIS May has marked the 25th anniversary of National Walk Safely to School Day (NWSSD) and both the Tarrington Lutheran School (TLS) and Good Shepherd College (GSC) junior campus joined in.

TLS principal, Jane Wiebusch said, “On Thursday morning, Tarrington Lutheran School staff walked down to the Thompson Road bus shelter to meet our students and walk with them back to school.

“It was a lovely way to begin a crisp Autumn morning with our students and families, as well as a great opportunity to highlight important road safety messages.”

The NWSSD initiative has aimed to raise awareness of the health, road safety and transport that regular walking, or alternative active transport (especially to and from school) can provide for the long-term well-being of children.

Apart from the physical benefits, regular walking (or similar) also has had a favourable impact on children’s cognitive and academic performance.

Head of GSC junior campus, Ali Wedding said, “Walk to School Day is an annual event in our calendar where we meet children, who usually travel to school by bus or car, at Pedrina Park before walking to our Junior Campus.

“Walking to school is a great way to incorporate physical activity into a daily routine to support healthy development.”

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