GRADES 3 and 4 students from St Mary’s were set a global challenge by Wannon’s Outside Inn owner, Josh Bell at the campsite on Friday to try and catch a marshmallow with their mouth from the highest distance to break the Guiness World Record.
Currently, the record is 20 metres using a drone, so the students were determined to beat it and launched a drone to 25 metres.
They had to follow the rules implicitly with authorised witnesses on hand to ensure integrity of the process.
Initially, all students had a go from the Outside Inn’s tower which stands at 16 metres.
Two students were able to catch a marshmallow with their mouth - Marlee Lucas and Ashton Bacon, both of Grade 4.
They were then able to go on to the higher challenge of 25 metres using the drone.
However, despite three attempts each, they were unable to succeed.
That didn’t dampen the students’ enthusiasm of enjoying the annual camp.