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PDH recognises their many volunteers

AS part of National Volunteers Week, Portland District Health (PDH) held a morning tea on Wednesday to recognise their many volunteers who keep the workplace turning.

Current volunteers were recognised in the annual pin presentation, before volunteers Jeanette Beauglehole and Brian Linekar were invited to stand up and share their experiences.

Mr Lineker said he started his volunteering run by becoming a district cub leader with the scouts.

“That started my volunteering. I volunteered there for a long time,” he said.

“You must have something to look forward to getting up for every day when you retire. So, I started to volunteer at Bupa because I had the skills that were required.

“Then I got involved with the Victorian Council of Churches Emergencies Ministry because we had a series of fires and floods that needed emergency setups to be done, and I'd spent 20 odd years with level three first aid and industrial fire officer training through the smelter, so I had the skills they needed.

“But the Portland hospital has always been special too because it's been a source of great pleasure and great sadness at the same time. Two of my youngest children were born here, both my parents died here, and my wife's parents died here. It's also saved my life.

“I started here as pastoral care in 2016, and then I started doing services at Harbourside Lodge.”

Mr Linekar heard a round of applause from the community members and other volunteers in attendance.

PDH has between 80 to 100 volunteers who bring a large spirit to the hospital and refined care that they feel for both staff and patients.

Each volunteer brings their own observations and skills to their special role and will dedicate a great number of hours a week.

Volunteer program coordinator Jennifer Cameron said there are many different roles in committees, administration support, support on the wards, patient visitor, driver, telecare, palliative care, meals on wheels, harbourside lodge, and organising events.

“Volunteering on committees at PDH allows you to be involved in the strategic and operational decision-making processes,” she said.

“These committees often include community members who bring fresh perspectives and help us align our services with the needs and expectations of those we serve.

“Support on the wards, as a ward or clinic helper you can provide direct support to our healthcare teams. This can include ensuring that the wards are tidy and welcoming.

“Your presence and assistance help create a comforting and efficient environment for both patients and staff.”

People interested in volunteering at PDH can contact Ms Cameron by phone 5522 1402 or email

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