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50 years ago

THE State Government will consider a uniform weight and grade livestock selling system within a month. The Victorian Farmer’s Union has been working on a scheme to succeed the present livestock auction system. The union will present its proposals to the Government early next month. The union’s scheme will be based on a report by Mr. L.E. Cozens on recommendations from a government inquiry into livestock and meat marketing in Victoria. Details of the report were published in January. They were immediately welcomed by the chairman of the VFU’s pastoral division, Mr. John Silcock, of Gringegalgona, near Coleraine.

SHANE McKew is expected to get the all-clear from his doctor within the next week or so, but South Melbourne has shown no sign it will clear him to Imperials. Officials of Imperials would make no comment yesterday on unconfirmed reports that South Melbourne has asked for a transfer fee after twice refusing McKew a clearance. If a fee has been asked, then Imps are not too bright if they don’t go ahead and pay it as it would later be returned to them if brought to the attention of the VFL. One of the points laid down by the VFL when it zoned up country areas was that VFL clubs could not receive a transfer fee for players cleared within the State. Several times VFL clubs have demanded a transfer fee, and later the money has had to be returned after the VFL stepped in.                                                 

25 years ago

A PORTLAND firm has won the tender to become Hamilton’s Powercor service agent. Southern Grampians Shire mayor, Howard Templeton, while disappointed the contract did not go to a Hamilton-based bidder, believes some positives can be taken from the decision. Powercor announced on Thursday that PT Engineering Services had beaten seven other applicants to win the contract for Hamilton, which will start in July. It has also won the tender to become the service agent in Portland and develop services in Camperdown and Casterton. The firm will retain a presence in Hamilton, with four or five former Hamilton-based Powercor employees expected to gain positions with the new agent.

THE combined efforts of Victorian Cycling’s state development officer, Daniel Hutchinson, and Hamilton Cycling Club, saw the Glenelg zone round of the 1999 Victorian Schools Cycling championships held successfully at Hamilton on Thursday. 53 students from schools in Hamilton, Warrnambool, Casterton and Portland raced in sprint, time trials and mountain bike qualifying heats of the state-wide contest. Competitor numbers were pleasing and were equal to last year’s big total. 28 were licensed junior racing cyclists and 25 were in the novice category. The latter number provides the basis of possible recruitment to the ranks of the VCI affiliated clubs. The results from the zone round saw nine gold medals (first placing), seven silver and three bronze medal awards going to Hamilton school students.

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