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A sea of hands for Sorry Day

THE Dhauward-Wurrung Elderly and Community Health Service (DWECHS) has a Sea of Hands on its front lawn, put together by little hands for Sorry Day last Sunday.

There is also a trail of native hibiscus (cutouts) leading from the Sea of Hands into the health centre where the hallway is completely decorated in purple hibiscus, crafted by the community.

Leading up to Sorry Day, Goodstart Early Learning and DWECHS Playgroup oversaw the creation of the hands.

The playgroup began by cutting out hands, decorating, laminating and sticking them on sticks to put in the grass.

Goodstart kids went for a different approach and used their handprints.

DWECHS plans to have even more hands flood their lawn during NAIDOC Week in July and ask the community to join in cutting out black, yellow, red, green, blue and white handprints or hands.

Locals can do this at home and then hand them into DWECHS during open hours.

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