THERE is a new look on the corner of Lonsdale and Thompson Street, almost exactly two years after the existing BP service station site closed.
The Spectator reported in May 2022 that a new operator had begun preparation for the site, due to a change in ownership and the operating leaser of the old service station, Matthews Petroleum, was not able to stay.
However, for the past two years the service station has not opened its doors.
The work for the site after its closure was said to have only been expected to take about three weeks, with another contractor to complete the rest of the fuel system and install bowsers.
The underground tank works were finished in August 2022, where all tanks were relined with fibreglass.
The new underground line works started in December 2022 and were carried on until February 2023, where signage under Octane Brand was then installed.
The site was then alleged to be under litigation between the partners and lawyers before it was agreed to be purchased by the other partner under Caltex (Chevron).
In recent weeks, several works were completed to revamp the site, with a new look for Hamilton’s second Caltex to open soon.
New operator and owner, Aditya Kanagala, has been a local resident for the past 14 years and said it had been a long process to get the service station running again, however the outcome is one the community should be excited about.
“I have invested a lot and (initially) got stuck with Octane, resulting to have mediation with the lawyers,” he said.
“Finally, God has favoured me after a long battle with them, now I am glad it is being opened with Caltex.”
Mr Kanagala said he has high hopes for preserving the service station which has been a focal point in the town for many years.
“This will be an owner-operator and I want to serve our community,” he said.
“This service station is a heritage property for the town and used to be very busy being in the centre of the town.
“It has had its glory and slowly lost its charm but now it has bounced back with a new face, brand new pumps, brand new lines and underground tanks (that) are as clean as glass as they are relined with latest technology.
“I don’t think any servos in Hamilton have this fibreglass technology which has 25 years warranty and the fuel in these tanks are as clean as fuel in a glass tumbler rather than in old rusty steel tanks.
“I have invested lot of time and put lot of efforts in getting this iconic site to be top notch in the area.”
Mr Kanagala also said they are on track to open sometime between June 15 and July 15, providing all goes smoothly, with future plans to renovate the inside of the store sometime next year.
“I am excited and can’t wait to see this beautiful baby being busy and serving the Hamilton community,” he said.
“I would like to launch this site with a great event.
“I will be inviting many people from our Hamilton community for the launch and all our Spec family as well.”