NINE Portland Primary School (PPS) staff members are in the running to be slimed, and it all comes down to who receives the most donations.
PPS have brainstormed an exciting way to raise money for their grades 5 and 6 camp this year, and it includes staff, students and the school community.
Sitting at the school office is a table with nine staff members faces taped on individual tins, each with an open slot in the lid for a coin or note to be dropped in.
Students, parents and teachers can donate to the tin of the two staff they want to see bucketed in slime.
Acting principal Rai Cullen said the fundraising was to assist with the cost for camp.
“The cost of camps in general have gone up,” she said.
“We have to pay for two buses to get to our camp this year and it's $8000, so divide that by the 70 odd kids, it’s just too much.
“Our school council has already chipped in $4000 for one of the buses, but the price for the camp is still over $400 per student, so that's why we're trying to do a fundraiser, to try and lower the cost for families.
“As of last week, we've raised over $700 already, so that's $10 off for every child.
“Some of our families have two students in the five and six cohort as well, so that's a big commitment for them.
Mrs Cullen said every morning, she will hear a tin rattle from her office, indicating a donation has been made.
“Elijah, who's one of our ES’s (education support) is in the running - the SES were here and he's a part of the SES, so they threw in $60 for him. We have had some other people from the community donate money too, which is fantastic.”
The top staff members with the heaviest tins will be slimed next Friday, June 21, and PPS invites all parents to come and watch.