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Years of fundraising finally pays off

After over three years of fundraising, Dartmoor Primary School finally have a new playground.

The Dartmoor community together raised $52,000 for the playground, which is now established on the school grounds and is being enjoyed by the school’s twelve students.

To raise the money, the school held a quiz night, an online auction, a dinner hosted by the students and a few wood raffles, all supported by the community.

In 2022 the school celebrated its 150th birthday with a fete, which included a series of fundraising activities. By the end of the day, they raised $36,000.

Principal Gill Bull said the previous playground was made from wood and had started to rot at the ground, sparking the need for a replacement.

The colourful new playground has two slides, a step bridge, a climbing wall, a four in a row panel, a shop front, and of course its platforms and posts.

“It was going to have a flying fox too, but we just went with this in the end, because I think it was $80,000 we needed to get the flying fox as well,” Ms Bull said.

“The kids love it.”

To celebrate this achievement, the school hosted a morning tea on Tuesday for the community to attend.

Teachers and parents prepared plenty of food for everyone to enjoy, including the students, who were running between the playground and the table of sweets.

Ms Bull said their next fundraising project will be to resurface the basketball court ground, which is sure to have the Dartmoor community’s support.

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