WANNON MP, Dan Tehan has combined with the Hamilton Ambulance Unit to launch a petition to be presented to the State Government, calling for funding of resources to enable a second paramedic ambulance night shift in Hamilton.
The petition was approached by local paramedics, in particular chief petitioner, Jim Falla who have expressed concern in the lack of services available for locals requiring ambulance assistance overnight.
Currently, there are only two paramedics on for the 13-hour night shift, and the petition has called for another two paramedics so there can be an additional service at night for the Southern Grampians region.
Mr Tehan said he will be taking signatures on this petition in the hope to enable this service to be funded by the State Government.
“It’s something I was very keen to support, and I know the community would be very supportive of, so that’s why I’m working with Jim (Falla) to put this petition in place, calling on the State government to provide that additional service at night for the community,” he said.
“It’s so important because the work that the paramedics do saves lives and we have got to make sure that we are able to support them to continue to be able to do their job.
“They do a remarkable job keeping the community safe but if we don’t properly resource them, then there will be burnout, and there will be turnover.
“We want to make sure that they can continue to provide the services to the community that we need.”
Anyone wishing to sign or access a copy of the petition can visit Mr Tehan’s office, 190 Gray Street, Hamilton.