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THE Victorian Government has earmarked western Victoria including the region around Hamilton as one of the state’s primary renewable energy zones, touted for new transmission lines, wind turbines and solar farms.

The government’s renewable energy planner, VicGrid, released the 2025 Victorian Transmission Plan (VTP), draft map and guidelines this week that prioritises renewable development across the state’s west, including a large zone in the southwest.

The resulting study area shows the parts of Victoria that have the potential to host new energy system infrastructure, such as wind and solar generation, as well as supporting transmission lines

The government has described it as a bespoke strategic land use assessment and state the Victorian Transmission Plan (VTP) aims to ensure there is the right infrastructure in the right place at the right time to support the transition to renewable energy.

The most suitable tier one areas identified by VicGrid will be further narrowed down, based on feedback from renewable energy developers on where they want to invest, and community feedback.

VicGrid said they recognise the primary importance of land and landscape values for many Victorians, for reasons covering culture and heritage, livelihoods, ecosystems and biodiversity, food and fibre, recreation, strategic minerals and many others.

Impacts on these need to be minimised, alongside energy system considerations like keeping the cost of energy low and attracting renewable energy investment to locations where it is most productive.

A statement from the Victorian Farmers Federation in response to the VTP will be published in Saturday’s Spec.

The public has until August 25 to provide feedback on the draft guidelines and until September 30 to provide feedback.

Further information including larger maps can be found online at

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