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Portland visited by cycling adventurer

FRANZ Moeller, 67, is a man comfortable on a bicycle, even though his family thinks he’s “nuts”.

The Albany resident was relaxing for a few days in Portland as he journeys solo around southern Australia on a bike.

He joined the ranks of the retired in February and hit the road in May this year.

The cycling enthusiast had a plan to cycle around Australia and made it to Norseman, but health concerns altered his plans.

“I haven’t got a 20-year-old body anymore, so I’ve had to rework my plans,” he said.

The new plan saw him fly from Kalgoorlie to Adelaide where he started his cycling journey again.

Mr Moeller first stop was Portland and then he plans to ride through Western Victoria up to Mildura, cycle west to the Flinders Rangers before making his through the Nullabor with plans to end his journey in Perth around Christmas time.

“I’ve wanted to do a big trip for a long time,” Mr Moeller said.

Mr Moeller told the Observer he always enjoyed riding his bike ever since he was a child in Adelaide.

“In my student days, I’ve done things like the Great Ocean Road from Adelaide to Melbourne with a couple of mates,” he said.

For his current journey, Mr Moeller is using a giant Tough Road bike with an accompanying trolley hitched up behind it.

“It (the bike) is affectionally called Toughy and Puff the Magic Wagon is the trailer,” he said.

Mr Moeller told the Observer the distance travelled per day varies due to conditions and situations.

“Lately it’s been 50 kilometres a day,” he said.

“It depends on where I am, terrain and all that kind of thing. If I find a good place to bed down, I will use it.”

To help his family see what he is experiencing Mr Moeller has his own Youtube channel called gagawithpasswords and a GoPro attached to his bike streams what he calls the Tour de Franzo.

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