LOCAL south west men and women who served in World War I and II with distinction will be honoured with a plaque on a new War Memorial Wall at the Sam Fitzpatrick Gardens in Hamilton.
The wall to be unveiled on Anzac Day 2025 is yet to be built and has been made possible by a Department of Veterans’ Affairs Saluting Their Service Grant of $6600 received by HIRL in 2021.
The original idea by the HIRL committee was to build the wall onsite at HIRL, however, after consultation, it was decided the most appropriate location would be at the Sam Fitzpatrick Gardens near the other war memorials.
A War Memorial Wall committee was formed comprising HIRL committee members, Terry Fitzgerald, John Graham, Chris Cole and Jeff Sanderson, as well as Portland Returned Service League (RSL) committee member, Ellen Linke, and local historian, Merron Riddiford from Pomonal.
After more than two years of research with south west RSLs, local history centres including the Hamilton History Centre and the general public, the committee arrived at 58 names.
“We’ve been working on getting names, talking to the Hamilton RSL and the Hamilton History Centre,” Mr Cole said.
“The aim was to get all names in the south west Victoria.
“The number of volunteers enlisting from south west Victoria in both world wars was abnormally large, showing the Australian spirit shining through.
“This was a very difficult task as we considered that all service personnel were deserving of a plaque, so we looked at criteria of being born in the south west or living at least 15 years in the area, then we looked at citations received.
“We’ve ended up with 58 names putting each one on a plaque of its own.”
Mr Cole said all the committee undertook research over two and a half years, but a large amount was done by War Memorial Wall committee member and local historian Ms Riddiford who sourced a lot of her information from the Western District Families website she curates.
“We congratulate her on the magnificent work she has accomplished,” he said.
Mr Cole said one of the significant contributions from the district that would be recognised was that of the Lovett family.
“There were actually six of them and four of them served in both wars.”
He said although construction hadn’t yet begun, everything was ready to go.
“We’ve got everything all lined up,” Mr Cole said.
“Warren Steele is building the wall from rock – we’re getting the actual rock without charge from Rigby Bros & Co at Coleraine.
“We’re getting the top made by Bamstone where the plaques will sit.
“Luke Schneider will be digging the hole. Josh Fitzpatrick is setting the foundation free of charge.”
He said the wall was going to be situated between the Vietnam War Memorial and the Korean War Memorial.
“The wall is going to be 15 metres long and it’s probably half a metre wide with the plaques,” Mr Cole said.
“The plaques are being done at Hamilton Trophies & Gifts.”
Mr Cole said there was still around $9000 to raise to complete the project but was confident that would be possible from within the communities of the south west.
All donations are tax deductible.
More information can be obtained from Mr Cole at cjacole@gmail.com