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Uncertain times in farming workshops

SOUTHERN Farming Systems will be holding free ‘Uncertain Times’ workshops at Harrow, Hamilton, Lake Bolac and Lismore, with sessions on August 27-30, and September 17-20, to help provide farmers with strategies to prepare for Spring.

With the current dry, and uncertain times in south-west Victoria, local farming communities are searching for more information to help their farming business tackle the tough decisions.

These small-group workshops will be hands-on, and participants will go home armed with the know-how to use the resources and calculators, with the opportunity for one-to-one support post-workshop.

Southern Farming Systems will deliver two workshops on separates dates to each location.

The first workshop in the series will be focused on what to expect in spring and summer 2024-25.

Nicon Rural’s Cam Nicholson and Southern Farming Systems’ Lisa Miller, along with guests will discuss what rainfall and pasture growth to expect, how to prepare a six-month feed and water budget, and how to make the decision to retain or sell livestock.

The second workshop will be focused on managing core livestock and the feed base, presented by Lisa Miller, Jessie Wettenhall and The Livestock Vet’s Dr Jane Gaussen, who will discuss how to manage perennial grasses and sub-clover, summer feed options, condition scoring and preparing for joining 2024-25, weaning early and stock containment feeding.

These workshops are supported by Southern Farming Systems and funded by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and Meat and Livestock Australia.

FREE, but are limited to small learning groups of 20 businesses.

Times are as below:

Hamilton- August 29 and September 18, 9.15am, Hamilton Agriculture Victoria, 915 Mt Napier Rd.

Harrow- August 30 and September 19, 9.15am, Harrow Bush Nursing Centre, 24 Blair St.

Lismore- August 27 and September 17, 9.15am, Lismore Social Club Rooms, Seymour St.

Lake Bolac- August 28 and September 20, 9.15am, Lake Bolac Buch Nursing Centre, 155 Montgomery St.

For more information or to register visit

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