THE draft Southern Grampians Sustainability Strategy (the Strategy) is out now for community feedback after being released at the Ordinary Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) meeting last Wednesday night.
The Strategy will remain out for public exhibition for 30 days before going back to Council for consideration.
This is a key strategic document for delivering an environmentally sustainable Shire and will be foundational in shaping the future of the region.
SGSC Mayor, David Robertson said the development of this Strategy provides Council the opportunity to take a strong leadership role in recognising and responding to climate change within our region.
“This strategy sets ambitious targets that align with State and Federal Governments emission reductions policies, as well as providing a roadmap for Council and the community to prepare our Shire for the challenges of a changing climate,” he said.
“As we’re more than aware, south-west Victoria, and Australia as a whole is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
“This strategy intends to mitigate the impact of climate change and ensure our Shire, and its community is prepared and adapted for a change in climate.
“We know that agriculture plays a vital role in our economy, with a focus on livestock farming, wool production, and cropping.”
Cr Robertson said the community has shown commitment to preserving the region’s natural assets, protecting biodiversity, and promoting sustainable land management practices.
“It is vitally important that Council puts in the energy and time needed now to plan for a safe and thriving future for the region,” he said.
“We have also committed to developing a Climate Change Urgent Action Plan which will be used in partnership with this Sustainability Strategy to identify strong targets and take bold action. We think that this strategy sets us on track to do exactly that.
“In recent years we have continued to invest in sustainable projects including the community mulch program, carbon reporting software package, ASPIRE waste platform trial, installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and funding for a Council driven School Sustainability Competition.
“This Strategy will help guide us in making sustainable decisions for the future,” concluded Cr Robertson.
A wide range of organisations, community groups and schools have already contributed to the development of the draft Strategy with consultation recording 245 comments across six focus areas - Net Zero, Infrastructure, Waste, Water, Land Use & Biodiversity and Community.
“The strategy also outlines the goal to be a carbon neutral organisation by 2035 and a carbon neutral Shire by 2041,” Cr Robertson said.
Key themes from that community feedback now embedded in the draft Strategy include supporting green energy initiatives, zero to low emission transport, green transport options, street tree enhancement, preservation and protection of biodiversity, recycling and waste education in easy English, and more support for volunteers.
The strategy is available on the Council website have your say page for comment with feedback closing 5pm, Friday, September 13.