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Road goes to rack and ruin

THE Woolsthorpe-Heywood Road is at its all-time worst according to Bessiebelle’s Kevin Bourke who is urging people, “Whatever you do, don’t go on the Woolsthorpe-Heywood Road.”

“There’s a school bus who goes past here about 7.30am (each morning) during peak traffic period when people are headed to work – he spends most of his time off the road or just stopped,” Mr Bourke said.

“It’s an absolute disgrace.

“I’ve seen 10 RACV tilt-tray tow trucks in the last week to tow cars away.”

Mr Bourke’s concerns for traffic safety has even led him to put two signs up which read as follows, ‘Caution: Vicroads Deepest Potholes’, and ‘Caution: Horrific Road Conditions Ahead.’

“They (VicRoads) never learn,” Mr Bourke said.

“They put limestone on the side of the road and every time it rains,  (the holes) just keep getting deeper and that’s when you start doing your windscreens.

“You just can’t win.

“The shire used to maintain the road, but since VicRoads took over, I’ve never seen a grader which would take out some of those bumps.

“Hit one of them eight-inch-deep potholes and … you’ve done your tyre or rim on the tyre.

“You’re wasting your time with VicRoads, before you even ring them you know you’ve wasted your time.”

Another long-time resident along Woolsthorpe-Heywood Road, Raymond Sharrock said there has been more traffic on the road lately as it shows up on the GPS as a shortcut.

“It’s getting to a point where it’s dangerous.”

He added that the whole stretch from Bessiebelle to the Glenelg Shire boundary is “totally worn out” and the bitumen is “broken up.”

“If we get a heavy rain it’s like a lake along the edge of the road – it’s not real flash.

“We’ve had contactors come to fill holes up in the past, but for some reason the last four or five weeks that’s stopped.”

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