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Register now for drought one-on-one advisory service

EXPRESSIONS of interest are open for farmers in drought-affected areas of south-west Victoria for a free one-on-one consultation with a farm advisor.

The technical decision-making program is being delivered as part of the Victorian Government’s $13.53 million Drought Support Package and builds on existing supports, including technical resources, workshops and field days, already available to farmers in the south west.

Agriculture Victoria director, Kate Linden said the program offered eligible farmers the opportunity to sit down with a consultant to discuss the best way forward for their business in the current season.

“Decision-making in times of stress, such as when you’re dealing with the daily challenge of drought, can be overwhelming,” she said.

“Taking time to step back, take stock and talk through what you need to do for the next few months can help relieve some of the pressures and feelings of being overwhelmed.

“This might involve developing feed and water budgets to assess questions as: ‘How much feed and water have I got left?’, ‘How much are my stock going to need?’ and ‘What am I going to do if the two don’t line up?’

“Putting plans in place and acting early can make a big difference to your mental load and potentially financial bottom line – buying more hay now (straight out of the paddock), moving stock off the property to agistment or selling more stock might be required.”

Interested farmers can register their Expression of Interest with Agriculture Victoria.

Farmers can nominate which advisor they prefer to work with from a panel of experienced and trusted advisors.

The chosen service provider will then contact the farmer directly to book a suitable time for the one-on-one consultation.

Mrs Linden said farmers can meet their advisor either on-farm, at a convenient off-farm location or online.

A follow-up one-hour phone consultation, after the initial face-to-face planning session, is also available.

For more information or to register an Expression of Interest in the Drought Support: One-on-one technical decision-making program, please visit or email

This program is part of the Victorian Government’s Drought Support Package for south-west Victoria.

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