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Historical Society celebrates 50 years

THE Mt Rouse and District Historical Society celebrated its 50th anniversary last Sunday, a testament to the interest in the town’s remarkable history.

The society was formally established in 1974 after an inaugural group called the Penshurst Historical Society formed the previous year.

The initial group approached well-known Penshurst identity and Member of Parliament, Bill Lewis, to assist them to get permission from the clerk of the Penshurst Magistrates Court, Mr R Lawson, to use the courthouse for historical society meetings, and to store historical material, and this was granted.

The inaugural president was Reverend Chris Baulch from the local Presbyterian Church.

In his 1974 annual report which was printed in the Penshurst Free Press, Rev Baulch said it was deeply satisfying that the society had found a “home” in the courthouse.

“Many people with the interests of our town at heart have loaned items of historical interest to the society for display, and much of this material has been used in a display window in Bell St,” he said.

“Many people have also offered valuable information to the society and a request for items of interest through the pages of the ‘Sun’ resulted in a wonderful response.”

Rev Baulch listed a number of speakers in the society’s first year, including himself who spoke on the history of Mt Rouse.

Other speakers included the society’s secretary, Mrs Barbara Bignell, who spoke on prominent early settlers, the Mackiehan and Hutton families. 

Penshurst identity and owner of the town’s saddlery shop, Charlie Dean, spoke of his recollections of Penshurst in earlier days when he first moved here to live.

Guest speaker at the first annual meeting was another Penshurst identity, Ernie Edlich.

Office bearers in 1974 were: President –Rev Chris Baulch; vice president – Mrs G McGregor; Secretary – Mrs Barbara Bignell; assistant secretary – Mr Alan Cowley; Treasurer – Miss Nancy Lee; committee members – Chris Kinnealy and Nonie Lewis.

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