ON Sunday morning, an environmental study was run to consider possible lighting options around Lake Hamilton.
This study has formed the start of preliminary works for the Lake Hamilton solar lighting project that was confirmed in the Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) 24/25 Budget.
This project is one of many community-focused improvements making up $20.624 million capital works program this financial year.
SGSC Infrastructure and Sustainability director, Marg Scanlon said, “Last weekend, Southern Grampians Shire Council began preliminary work assessing the suitability of the area around Lake Hamilton for a solar-powered, energy efficient lighting system that will allow the community to use the Lake after dark.
“We are intent on reducing environmental impact of the work and the effect the lights may have on the flora and fauna of the area.
“Once assessments are completed, we will use this information to inform the works specification in order to mitigate any potential impacts to the local environment.”
This project came directly from a community budget submission from the Hamilton Running Club (HRC).
The HRC demonstrated wide-spread support for the idea and the SGSC were delighted to be able to provide this solution.
“I think that lights around the Lake Hamilton track will help runners feel safer, particularly women,” HRC member, Bruce Farquharson said.
“In winter months there is little, if any daylight time to run for those who work during the day.”
HRC member, Jess Hayes added, “I think having the option to run around the lake later in the evening in winter without a head torch would be amazing.”
“I’d be more inclined to run solo with the lake lit up rather than well-lit roads and footpaths.
“In winter when you finish work at five or six (pm), it’s already getting pretty dark – so to have lights would be a better option than having a headtorch.”